ZTT did it again! Another great win for the vital link of the 500kV UHV Submarine section of the Zhejiang Zhoushan transmission line circuit

2018/10/16 0:00:00 人评论 次浏览


Following the successful bid for the first circuit of the transmission line of 500kV networking project for transmission and transformation project in Zhoushan Zhejiang Province; ZTT Submarine Cable Co., Ltd [hereinafter referred to as “ZTTSC”], ZTTSC now announces another victorious win for the second 500kV circuit transmission line project for the Northern Networking Channel in Zhoushan, Zhejiang with an incredible bid of 188 million Yuan, approximately 23.57 million Euro. ZTTSC celebrates the victory for this two vital link, an acknowledgment for product superiority and supremacy in the industry. 

The Zhoushan 500kV network transmission and transformation project is a 500kV trans-regional, trans-ocean power transmission and transformation project with the largest investment and the most difficult construction in the Zhejiang Power Grid region. The project construction will now fill the gap of the 500kV grid in the New District of Zhejiang Zhoushan Islands. This development shall bring about a new era for the Zhejiang Zhoushan Islands and the construction greatly promote the “The Belt and Road” initiative. ZTTSC will supply 17.9 km of 500kV single-core 1800mm2 fiber-optic composite submarine cable and accessories.


ZTTSC will, for the dual circuit UHV project provides 500kV AC submarine cable with soft joint and great continuous cable length. ZTTSC is the first to complete the type tests and prequalification tests for the 500kV submarine cable system, including soft joint and maintenance joints for both local and overseas markets. ZTTSC owns the core technologies and invention patents for the submarine cable manufacturing.

In recent years, ZTTSC dedicates itself to exploring new materials, new and improved design, new height in technology, terminal connectors and cable test technologies for the ultra-high voltage submarine cable; by increasing the investment on scientific research and independent innovation. It successfully completed the three-core 110kV and three-core 220kV AC submarine cables in China and won the bid for 155kV AC three-core submarine cable project in the German Power Grid. A Chinese first, for the high-end submarine cable project in Europe. The current win of the 500kV network for transmission & transformation project further seals ZTTSC pioneering position in the industry, marking ZTTSC an international brand in the field of the ultra-high voltage submarine cable system.

Mr. Xue Jianling, General Manager of ZTTSC said the company will exert full advantage of the marine cable products by extending the submarine optical cable business segments that have now formed, to submarine power cable, feeder box, underwater connection device, submarine cable construction works, wind turbine installation, including maintenance and other marine industry related business to EPC packages.  Embracing the product supply role to eventually a submarine cable project and integrating as an overall solution provider.

The company will, as always, adhere to the development concept of “Precision Manufacturing” and “Scientific and Technological Innovation”, careful in planning exercising strict control in the project execution. Thus lifting a higher level, stricter quality control system to ensure a smoother completion of projects. The goal is to fully participate in international competition and to lay the foundation for the "World-Class Brand, Centennial ZTT".